Leah Fisher Rig Spear 3
After a half day of getting used to spearing fish while being filmed, Leah relaxed and that was what it took for her to score! At a depth of over 100 feet, she found what she was looking for - a large school of Atlantic red snapper hovering just above the murk layer at the bottom. As the reds drifted in and out of the turbid water, Leah searched through the many shootable snapper for a real trophy fish. She spotted a big one and and made a good shot. The fish took off into the murk as she headed up to pull him up and away from the rig and other metal trash lying around on the bottom. The fish was too strong and made it over to the rig and, for a moment, it seemed it would become tangled. With a lot of hard pulling and kicking she managed to drag the red out before he could get wrapped. You will see how its scales were scraped off on the pilings during the struggle.We have included a great slow motion replay of the shot and shaft impact!
Finally she got the fish under control, and started her ascent. It was necessary to stop and decompress for a few minutes before surfacing. While waiting at the 10 foot depth, she kept herself occupied admiring the brilliant red color of her trophy snapper. At the deeper depths, the fish appears silver because of the light filtration.
Next on the list was a barracuda. Leah went back down and soon spotted a good one. She lined up and took the shot but the curse of the barracuda was still in force. This one pulled off - just like the last one. Well, anyway, at least you get to see a good slow motion sequence on this shot and escape.
Later, back at the dock, she weighed the snapper and it was 18 pounds.
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