
Riding on Pony

Beautyful girls from all over the world riding on Ponys. Tradition, Culture and Competition action as well as conventional and fashion clothing combine with unique styles.
Spectacular Show and Action ! 


ginaridinginpinkyogapants added: 2024/06/27


Gina is wearing beautiful pink yoga pants and riding a pony in the forest.
Playtime: 00:00 Min  Size: 0.7 MB  Frame: x   Filetype:

SP_Ponys_Doctor added: 2024/06/20


Is there a doctor around?
Polly wants to ride, but pony is bitchy, and instead of being ridden by his big girl, he's only standing around. Also Marcy doesn't know what to do, so they decide to call a doctor to cure pony. Doctor is coming and "smells the rat" at the first sight: that sneaky pony is a simple simulator! But there's no hurry to tell this to the girls. First doctor is grabbing chance to get some little ride by herself..., on behalf of a careful and comprehensive examination, which needs much time, of course...
Playtime: 13:55 Min  Size: 621.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Virtues_and_Vices_2 added: 2024/06/06


Virtues and Vices (Part 2 of 2)
Contrary to other riders, Nathalie is never to be scared by a temperamental pony, she always welcomes the challenge..., maybe because she's usually the winner at last?
Playtime: 09:38 Min  Size: 408.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Virtues_and_Vices_1 added: 2024/05/23


Virtues and Vices (Part 1 of 2)
Nathalie already learned that black pony likes to be bitchy and may have "breakfasted" little devil at some days. Just pony did not yet learn, that all that does not help to impress this woman...
Playtime: 09:43 Min  Size: 412 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

MILAridingdonkeyhardinpink2 added: 2024/05/20


MILA training donkey!!
Playtime: 10:24 Min  Size: 492.6 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

yogaridingponyhardinblack2 added: 2024/04/12


Yoga trains pony seriously, using whips and feet to issue commands. This is Yoga's record of conquering pony.
Playtime: 08:43 Min  Size: 472.8 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Franziska8.1 added: 2023/12/01


Die Reiterin sitzt dem kleinen Teufel bequem im Nacken und bearbeitet in mit ihren "Motivationsstiften". Es sind die ersten Aufnahmen
des Tages und sie reitet ihn noch warm und bringt ihn in diesem Video über 9.32 Minuten erste Manieren bei. Recht hart geht es in den
beigefügten Impressionsaufnahmen über 5.54 Minuten zu. Ebenfalls nicht grade zimperliche rund 140 Bilder von drei verschiedenen
Amazonen, immer auf einem Pony, sind ebenfalls beigefügt.
The rider sits comfortably on the little devil's neck and works on him with her "motivation pens". These are the first recordings of the day
and she rides him while he's still warm and teaches him his first manners in this 9.32 minute video. The attached 5.54 minute impression
recordings are pretty tough. Also not particularly squeamish around 140 pictures of three different Amazons, always on a pony, are also
Playtime: 23:09 Min  Size: 694.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

lucyridingponyinclub added: 2023/11/23


Lucy likes to ride horses on cloudy days and the weather is cool. Today she rode horses in the equestrian club. It was very easy
to control pony in the small circle of the club.
Playtime: 07:01 Min  Size: 518.9 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Hannah118.1 added: 2023/11/17


Sie sehen einen der extrem wenigen Videos, in dem mich der kleine Teufel runter bekommt, und das gleich am Anfang. Er hat keine
Lust, von mir dominiert zu werden. Aber nach wenigen Sekunden sitzt ich ihn wieder im Nacken und dann geht es insbesondere mit
den nachhaltigen Sporen zur Sache. Er versucht es in den folgenden 8.18 Minuten noch einige male, mich loszuwerden,. aber ohne
Erfolg. Ich bestimme sehr resolut das Geschehen... Die beigefügten 2.07 Minuten Impressionsaufnahmen zeigen sehr deutlich, wer
den Platz als Sieger verlässt....
You are watching one of the extremely few videos in which the little devil gets me down, right at the beginning. He doesn't want to be
dominated by me. But after a few seconds I have it on my neck again and then it gets down to business, especially with the
sustainable spurs. He tries it in the following ones 8.18 minutes a few more times to get rid of myself. but without success.
I determine what happens very resolutely... The attached 2.07 minute impression recordings show very clearly who leaves the place
as the winner...
Playtime: 10:25 Min  Size: 312.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

Franziska14.5 added: 2023/11/03


Die Reiterin fällt durch sehr intensive Erziehungsarbeit und insbesondere harte Sporentritte auf. Der kleine Ponyhengst braucht es aber.
Er ist faul und widerspenstig. Jeder bekommt,. was er braucht... Die Kamera ist in diesem Video über gut 8 Minuten sowie in den
Impressionsaufnahmen über 4.35 Minuten aufmerksam dabei. Rund 130 knackige Fotos von drei verschiedenen Amazonen sind
The rider stands out for her very intensive training work and particularly hard spur kicks. But the little pony stallion needs it. He is lazy
and unruly. Everyone gets,. what he needs... The camera is attentive in this video for a good 8 minutes and in the impression recordings
for 4.35 minutes. Around 130 crisp photos of three different Amazons are included.
Playtime: 21:57 Min  Size: 654.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

SP_Lonely_Rider_2 added: 2023/11/01


Lonely Rider Part 2 (of 2)
Pony still on the run - and Dunja still on the pony, making an odd couple. Dunja is changing between stop and go, step and gallop. It takes two to tango, but pony bears it all...
Playtime: 14:22 Min  Size: 675.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

Down_the_Hedge added: 2023/10/25


Down the Hedge
Denise enters the meadow just when Delilah is finishing her little ride. So Denise of course grabs the chance to have some ride too. Denise is also skilled rider, but some little support by Delilah is nevertheless welcome...
Playtime: 15:56 Min  Size: 743.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Red_Riding_Bear added: 2023/10/17


Red Riding Bear
It's a fatal error to believe that pony or small horse is easier to ride and handle than a bigger horse. Delilah can tell you a thing or two about... But Delilah bears them all, and time by time its a nice variation to drive such a lowered model...
Playtime: 10:25 Min  Size: 464.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

SP_Theories_of_Speed added: 2023/10/17


Theories of Speed
Marcy and Liliana argue about who would be faster, pony or donkey. Not so easy to find out, because both candidates are stubborn and anything but cooperative. Just when Wanda enters the scene, things may come to life. After some "horsing and donking around", they succeed in starting some "snail race", where donkey gets winner. Liliana claims adventurous theory to have lost with pony, because donkey have had two riders... In the end, Wanda tests revolutionary new conception of whipping the rider to move donkey faster... (Not bad for only 20 minutes???)
Playtime: 21:28 Min  Size: 954.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Franziska25.6 added: 2023/10/13


Die Reiterin macht kurzen Prozess mit dem kleinen Ponyhengst. Zwischen ihren Sporen gibt es keine Kompromisse... Neben dem,
Video über 10.20 Minuten sind weitere 5.08 Minuten Impressionen von anderen Aufnahmen des Tages beigefügt, sowie
15 knackige Fotos von mir.
The rider makes short work of the little pony stallion. There are no compromises between their spurs... In addition to that, video over
10.20 minutes is another 5.08 minutes Impressions of other recordings of the day attached, as well 15 crisp photos of me.

Playtime: 26:43 Min  Size: 796.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

SP_Lonely_Rider_1 added: 2023/09/28


Lonely Rider Part 1 (of 2)
Such is the way how Dunja enjoys to spend time with her pony: without saddle, without shyness, without public..., just the summer sun above and the pony below... Make my day!
Playtime: 14:19 Min  Size: 673.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

Hannah137.4 added: 2023/09/15


Diese netten Sporen an den Haken lassen doch keinen Frauenwunsch unerfüllt....Der kleine Ponyhengst sieht es anders, aber die oft
insetzende Massage und die unterstützende Gerte überzeugen ihn von meiner Dominanz. Sehen Sie in dem Video über 8.40 Minuten
einprägsame Erziehungsmaßnehmen sowie in den beigefügten 6.24 Minuten Imperssionsaufnahmen Hieb und Stichfeste Argumente
These nice spurs on the hook leave no woman's wish unfulfilled.... The little pony stallion sees it differently, but the frequent massage
and the supporting crop convince him of my dominance. See the 8:40 minute video of memorable educational measures, as well as the
attached 6:24 minute recordings of slashing and stabbing arguments on my part.
Playtime: 15:04 Min  Size: 454.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

Hannah102.3 added: 2023/08/18


Ich sitze mit meiner knallengen Reitleggins sehr bequem auf den Rücken den kleinen Ponyhengstes. Es bereitet mir viel Vergnügen, ihn
zwischen meinen Spanischen Dressursporen laufen zu lassen. Er ist nicht immer fleißig, lernt es aber zunehmend. Die Kamera zoomt
häufig auf meine Motivation mit den Sporen und auf mein Gesäß.
I sit very comfortably on the back of the little pony stallions with my tight riding leggings. It gives me a lot of pleasure to let him run
between my Spanish dressage spurs. He is not always diligent, but he is increasingly learning it. The camera often zooms in on my
motivation with the spurs and on my buttocks.
Playtime: 08:02 Min  Size: 243.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

Franziska26.2 added: 2023/08/11


Die Reiterin kennt kleine Gnade. Sie führt das faule Pony an ihren Sporen und heizt ihn kräftig ein. Die Gerte leistet ebenfalls fleißige
Überzeugungsarbeit. Neben dem Video über 8:45 Minuten sind 6.27 Minuten "schlagkräftige" Impressionsaufnahmen aus anderen
Videoaufnahmen sowie rund 140 sehr knackige Fotos von 3 verschiedenen Amazonen, alle auf einem Pony, beigefügt.
The rider knows little mercy. She leads the lazy pony by her spurs and heats him up vigorously. The whip also does diligent persuasion.
In addition to the video over 8:45 minutes, 6:27 minutes of "powerful" impression recordings from other video recordings as well as
around 140 very crisp photos of 3 different amazons, all on a pony, are attached.
Playtime: 26:38 Min  Size: 796.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

Maria6.6 added: 2023/08/01


In diesem Video, jeweils zur ungefähren Hälfte aus einem Film und zur anderen ungefähren Hälfte auf knallharten Impressionen von
anderen Filmaufnahmen sehen Sie eine Reiterin ohne Gnade. Sie tritt sehr hart mit den spanischen Dressursporen und kennt auch an
der Hand Erbarmen.
n this video, about half from a movie and about half from hard-hitting impressions from other footage, you see a horsewoman without
mercy. She kicks very hard with the Spanish dressage spurs and also knows mercy on her hand.
Playtime: 18:48 Min  Size: 567.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv