
Riding on Donkey and other animals 

Beautyful girls "riding" on cows, & donkeys.
Spectacular Show and Action ! 


Elsaandsisterridingdonkey added: 2019/01/13


The best way for elsa to teach her sister how to ride a donkey is for them to ride together. Elsa also rode on the donkey's neck, and the two sisters were very happy.
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★, Horse Character ★★.

Playtime: 09:56 Min  Size: 295.5 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

Elsaridingneckhot added: 2018/12/24


Elsa wearing sexy tight leather pants, legs tight donkey's neck, Elsa very like this ride, donkey obedient to Elsa's orders, Elsa riding on the back of the neck is very comfortable
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★, Horse
Character ★.

Playtime: 10:05 Min  Size: 370.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

TheAmazonIndianaMandibleBrake4Rufino added: 2018/11/11


The donkey stallion Rufino is small and cute, but he has larger cojones like most other
stallions in Godina Dayana's stables. Only recently did he drop one of the candidates.
For this reason, Rufino today wears a curb bit with extra long suits. In the hands of an
inexperienced rider, this bit would be able to do great damage. Therefore, today the
Amazon Indiana takes the reins to slow the temper of the stubborn stallion again a little.
In the left hand the reins, in the right the whip and spurs on the riding boots, Indiana brings
each stallion to reason.

Der Esel Hengst Rufino ist zwar klein und niedlich, doch besitzt er größere Cojones
wie die meisten anderen Hengste in Göttin Dayanas Stallungen. Zuletzt erst hat er eine
der Anwärterinnen abgeworfen. Aus diesem Grund trägt Rufino heute ein Kandarengebiss
mit extra langen Anzügen. In den Händen einer ungeübten Reiterin wäre dieses Gebiss in
der Lage großen Schaden anzurichten. Deshalb nimmt heute die Amazone Indiana die Zügel
in die Hand, um das Temperament des sturen Hengstes wieder ein wenig zu bremsen. In der
linken Hand die Zügel, in der rechten die Peitsche und Sporen an den Reitstiefeln, so bringt
Indiana jeden Hengst zur Räson.
Playtime: 12:53 Min  Size: 485.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

Elsaridingneck added: 2018/10/09


Wearing sexy black leather pants and red riding boots, elsa will ride on the neck of the donkey, leaving the poor lazy donkey to bear the weight of elsa's body. The donkey was pinned by the bridle, unable to resist
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★★★★★★★, Horse Character ★ ★★
Playtime: 12:20 Min  Size: 448.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

TheAmazonIndianaBlackBeauty4Rufino added: 2018/09/21


A shiny black catsuit with a refined neckline, black platform leather
boots with wheel spurs and the gorgeous open black hair that surrounds
the lovely face of this Amazon, that's what riding fetish dreams are made
from. Indiana once again shows the stubborn little donkey Rufino what it
means to be in the service of the Amazons. This woman is pure dynamite.

Eine schwarz glänzende Catsuit mit einem raffiniertem Ausschnitt,
schwarze Plateau Lederstiefel mit Rädchensporen und das herrliche
offene schwarze Haar, welches das liebliche Gesicht dieser Amazone
umfließt, das ist es, woraus riding-fetish Träume gemacht werden.
Indiana zeigt heute wieder einmal dem sturen kleinen Esel Rufino,
was es bedeutet im Dienste der Amazonen zu stehen. Diese Frau ist
pures Dynamit.

Playtime: 11:34 Min  Size: 301.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

kikiridinglazydonkeysexy added: 2018/09/08


The donkey kiki was riding was too lazy and kiki felt a bit tired. She lit a cigarette and put her sexy feet on the donkey's head. Kiki lashes hard with his whip, and scolds the lazy donkey in Chinese...
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★★★★★, Horse Character ★
Playtime: 11:58 Min  Size: 766.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

VirginiaBackIntoTheSaddle added: 2018/08/20


Much time has passed since Virginia visited her cousin Dayana and her Amazons the last time.
Virginia does not know the little donkey Rufino yet and she can not wait to get into Rufino's
saddle to try out the new spurs she brought back from one of Mexico's business trips. Of course,
Virginia also has a long and flexible dressagewhip in her hand to get Rufino's attention.

Viel Zeit ist vergangen seit Virginia ihre Cousine Dayana und deren Amazonen das letzte Mal
besucht hat. Den kleinen Esel Rufino kennt Virginia noch nicht und sie kann es kaum erwarten
in Rufinos Sattel zu steigen, um die neuen Radsporen auszuprobieren, die sie von einer ihrer
Geschäftsreisen aus Mexico mitgebracht hat. Natürlich hat Virginia auch eine lange und biegsame
Dressurgerte in der Hand, um bei Rufino für die nötige Aufmerksamkeit zu sorgen.
Playtime: 13:22 Min  Size: 500.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

VictoriaTheMistressWhip4Rufino added: 2018/08/10


I like to remember Victoria's last ride on Rufino and how Victoria verbally
motivated the little donkey. Victoria's voice certainly reached Rufino's long
ears, but probably did not remain in the memory of the obstinate little animal.
For this reason, Victoria today leaves the talking of her long and pliable red
riding whip, which also has a wonderful and haunting voice.

Ich erinnere mich sehr gerne an Victorias letzten Ritt auf Rufino und daran
wie Victoria den kleinen Esel verbal motiviert hat. Victorias Stimme kam bestimmt
an Rufinos langen Ohren an, ist aber wohl nicht im Gedächtnis des eigensinnigen
kleinen Tieres geblieben. Aus diesem Grund überlässt Victoria heute das Sprechen
ihrer langen und biegsamen roten Reitpeitsche, welche ebenfalls eine wundervolle
und eindringliche Stimme besitzt.
Playtime: 12:59 Min  Size: 488.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

kikiridinglazydonkey added: 2018/07/05


Kiki was wearing sexy tights and white clothes, and was wearing black high-heeled shoes. Kiki heard the owner of the donkey say that the donkey was very lazy,So kiki brought a whip, hoping to tame the donkey and make it more manageable by beautiful riders.
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★, Horse Character ★
Playtime: 09:35 Min  Size: 610.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

VictoriaTheMistressVoice4Rufino added: 2018/06/30


The little donkey Rufino must have fallen out of favor with Victoria, because
the attractive Latina orders the stable boy the jagged spurs especially today
firmly fasten to the riding boots. She also gets black leather gloves, so she
has the whip better in the hand. Victoria also starts immediately to insult the
donkey, because his long ears have only the purpose to be able to hear better of
the orders of his mistress.

Der kleine Esel Rufino muss bei Victoria in Ungnade gefallen sein, denn die
attraktive Latina lässt sich vom Stalljungen die gezackten Sporen heute besonders
fest an die Reitstiefel schnallen. Auch lässt sie sich schwarze Lederhandschuhe bringen,
damit sie die Peitsche besser in der Hand hat. Victoria fängt auch sofort an den Esel zu
beschimpfen, denn seine langen Ohren haben nur den Zweck die Befehle der Herrin besser
hören zu können.
Playtime: 14:47 Min  Size: 554.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

lisaridingminidonkey added: 2018/06/13


Elsa bought a very small donkey, today Lisa to the ELSA home to play, very want to ride the donkey, the donkey is very small very cute, and very lazy, Lisa rides on the donkey's back, whip it, hand pinch the donkey's ears, conquer this poor animal.
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★, Horse Character ★
Playtime: 09:06 Min  Size: 264.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

TheAmazonIndianaSexyRideRufino added: 2018/06/05


Wow, what a fierce cat is climbing on the little burro Rufino and let strap herself
shiny spurs on her black platoboots from her stable slave? It is our Amazone Indiana,
who has selected this megasexy catsuit for her first ride on the stubborn little donkey.
Between her long legs Indiana makes Rufino properly fire with the long whip . A great video
from Indiana.

Wow, was für eine scharfe Katze steigt da auf den kleinen Esel Rufino und lässt sich
von ihrem Stallsklaven die Sporen an die schwarzen Platostiefel schnallen? Es ist unsere
Amazone Indiana, die sich für ihren ersten Ritt auf dem störrischen kleinen Esel diese
megasexy Catsuit ausgesucht hat. Mit der langen Peitsche macht Indiana Rufino zwischen
ihren ebenfalls langen Beinen ordentlich Feuer. Ein tolles Video von Indiana.
Playtime: 12:30 Min  Size: 466.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

elsaridingdonkeyhard added: 2018/05/17


This is a lazy donkey.Elsa is very angry. and she decided to punish donkey. elsa kicked it with her high-heelled boots and
sat back very hard on the donkeyback again and again...
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★★, Horse Character ★.
Playtime: 10:45 Min  Size: 355 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

MontanaVictoriaDoubleTrouble4Rufino added: 2018/05/01


The little donkey stallion Rufino proved in his first movie under Georgina that he can
be very stubborn and has cojones. Therefore, Victoria is energetically guided during her
training on the donkey today and supported by one of the best riders in Goddess Dayana's
inner circle. The wonderful Amazone Montana, which has already made some naughty animals
with the whip and the pressure of their beautiful thighs docile. Will Rufino give in under
the pressure of the two racy Latinas? It remains exciting until the end of the film.

Der kleine Esel Hengst Rufino hat schon in seinem ersten Film unter Georgina bewiesen,
dass er sehr stur sein kann und Cojones hat. Deshalb wird Victoria bei ihrem heutigen
Training auf dem Esel tatkräftig angeleitet und unterstützt von einer der besten Reiterinnen
aus Goddess Dayanas innerem Kreis. Der wundervollen Amazone Montana, welche schon einige
ungezogene Tiere mit der Peitsche und dem Druck ihrer schönen Schenkel gefügig gemacht hat.
Wird Rufino unter dem Druck der beiden rassigen Latinas nachgeben? Es bleibt spannend bis
zum Ende des Films.

Playtime: 15:17 Min  Size: 574.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

ELSAridingcow2 added: 2018/04/16


This is the nest collection of riding cow,Today Elsa is wearing a white breeches, boots, Elsa hopes to conquer cattle today. With the method of riding let the cattle go, but cattle too slow, Elsa scold it....
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★, Horse Character ★.
Playtime: 09:43 Min  Size: 321.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

WelcomeGeorginaAndRufino added: 2018/04/10


Two premieres on the same day, even among the Amazons around Goddess Dayana a rare
exception. All the more we look forward to Georgina a very talented and dominant
donkey rideress and her petite little donkey who listens to the name of Rufino in
addition to the whip of his mistress. Sometimes more and sometimes less but the
enthusiasm and perseverance with which Georgina drives him does not detract. So let
us warmly welcome Georgina and Rufino.

Zwei Premieren am selben Tag, das ist selbst bei den Amazonen um Goddess Dayana
eine seltene Ausnahme. Um so mehr freuen wir uns auf Georgina eine sehr talentierte
und dominante Esels Treiberin und ihren zierlichen kleinen Esel, der neben der
Peitsche seiner Herrin auf den Namen Rufino hört. Manchmal mehr und manchmal weniger
was aber der Begeisterung und Ausdauer, mit der ihn Georgina antreibt keinen Abbruch
tut. Begrüßen wir also sehr herzlich Georgina und Rufino.
Playtime: 13:15 Min  Size: 497.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: wmv

Elsaridingdonkeyneckandridingwithspurs added: 2018/03/18


Today, Elsa will ride on the donkey's neck. Her body is completely lifted by the donkey's neck. She feels very comfortable and happy. Elsa speaks to the donkey and praises the donkey. If the donkey doesn't act according to the instruction, it will be condemned by ELSA.
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★★, Horse Character ★★.
Playtime: 14:25 Min  Size: 477.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

donkeyridinginfield added: 2018/03/18


All girls LOVE riding on donkey and want ride too but Artemisia is very strong, tall, heavy woman who refuse to come down on donkey's back even donkey is tired. She don't care, only for her own pleasure. Other girls wants ride too so I ordered her come down and let other girls enjoy about donkey riding too.

Playtime: 19:14 Min  Size: 434.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: MP4

elsaridinghard added: 2018/03/14


Elsa is in a bad mood today. She plans to train the donkey severely, but the donkey is too lazy. He doesn't listen to it anyway. Elsa puts the saddle on the donkey and whips the donkey with madness. Finally, the donkey is still not obedient. Elsa is angry, he kicks the donkey with Gauguin and uses the Spurs to kick the donkey.
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★, Horse Character ★.
Playtime: 10:00 Min  Size: 329.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

Elsaridingdonkeywithspurs added: 2018/03/09


Elsa is riding on her new donkey. This is a lazy donkey. Elsa is wearing a red high heel boots and sexy black tights. Elsa decides to tame the donkey and she wears the Spurs ,and hard on the donkey's belly.
【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★★, Horse Character ★.
Playtime: 10:54 Min  Size: 356.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4