Beautyful girls "riding" on cows, & donkeys. Spectacular Show and Action !
The best way for elsa to teach her sister how to ride a donkey is for them to ride together. Elsa also rode on the donkey's neck, and the two sisters were very happy. 【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★, Horse Character ★★.
Elsa wearing sexy tight leather pants, legs tight donkey's neck, Elsa very like this ride, donkey obedient to Elsa's orders, Elsa riding on the back of the neck is very comfortable 【Comprehensive Video Rate】 Visual Effect ★★★★★★★★, Riding Pleasure ★★★★★★, Horse Character ★.
A shiny black catsuit with a refined neckline, black platform leather boots with wheel spurs and the gorgeous open black hair that surrounds the lovely face of this Amazon, that's what riding fetish dreams are made from. Indiana once again shows the stubborn little donkey Rufino what it means to be in the service of the Amazons. This woman is pure dynamite. Eine schwarz glänzende Catsuit mit einem raffiniertem Ausschnitt, schwarze Plateau Lederstiefel mit Rädchensporen und das herrliche offene schwarze Haar, welches das liebliche Gesicht dieser Amazone umfließt, das ist es, woraus riding-fetish Träume gemacht werden. Indiana zeigt heute wieder einmal dem sturen kleinen Esel Rufino, was es bedeutet im Dienste der Amazonen zu stehen. Diese Frau ist pures Dynamit.
The little donkey stallion Rufino proved in his first movie under Georgina that he can be very stubborn and has cojones. Therefore, Victoria is energetically guided during her training on the donkey today and supported by one of the best riders in Goddess Dayana's inner circle. The wonderful Amazone Montana, which has already made some naughty animals with the whip and the pressure of their beautiful thighs docile. Will Rufino give in under the pressure of the two racy Latinas? It remains exciting until the end of the film. Der kleine Esel Hengst Rufino hat schon in seinem ersten Film unter Georgina bewiesen, dass er sehr stur sein kann und Cojones hat. Deshalb wird Victoria bei ihrem heutigen Training auf dem Esel tatkräftig angeleitet und unterstützt von einer der besten Reiterinnen aus Goddess Dayanas innerem Kreis. Der wundervollen Amazone Montana, welche schon einige ungezogene Tiere mit der Peitsche und dem Druck ihrer schönen Schenkel gefügig gemacht hat. Wird Rufino unter dem Druck der beiden rassigen Latinas nachgeben? Es bleibt spannend bis zum Ende des Films.
RIDING ON FIELD All girls LOVE riding on donkey and want ride too but Artemisia is very strong, tall, heavy woman who refuse to come down on donkey's back even donkey is tired. She don't care, only for her own pleasure. Other girls wants ride too so I ordered her come down and let other girls enjoy about donkey riding too.