Wet and Messy

Wet and Messy

Girls wet and messy muddy wam video section

LBstream ajouté: 21/01/2025


Hello everyone :)

Today I'm wearing my black knee high boots from Louboutin :) All leather inner and outer ! They have always kept me dry but today I wanted to give them proper test :) So I start by splashing some muddy ankle deep puddles on my way. Those are absolutely nothing for my boots. Then I start enjoying the stream and splashing around in it :) Those boots are really amazing !
Playtime: 05:00 Min  Size: 977.5 MB  Frame: 1080 x 1920  Filetype: mp4

Leatheroutfitlesillaotkboots ajouté: 09/01/2025


With my car stuck and snow and ice all around its not easy to find help. I am dressed fully
in leather including sexy leather overknee boots that are extremely slippery on the snow.
As I am afraid to fall on the snow, I decide to take a shortcut trough a small stream.
But also that way is not the best because its slippery as well. I pick up some stones
from the river bed realizing that they are also extremly slimy. I give up and walk back
to the car to remove my boots and show my socks. Could my leather outfit keep me dry?
Playtime: 08:32 Min  Size: 1499.4 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Wetminelliboots ajouté: 20/12/2024


I heard we had our local stream going outside of its bed following some recent rain.
I didn't wanted to miss a such opportunity for our passion, so I put on a skirt, some tights and a pair of full leather minelli boots with some high heels :)
You can see me splashing around in the puddle first then through the stream. My boots kept me dry for a while but at some point I started to feel some water leakage in one of the boots (I mention it in the video)

Playtime: 04:15 Min  Size: 69.2 MB  Frame: 720 x 1280  Filetype: mp4

COMPLETEHighheeledbootsinwaterblur ajouté: 12/12/2024


JULIE'S BOOTED ADVENTURE - High heeled Leather boots in puddles

It was a rainy day and we had one hour to wait. As we saw many puddles around our car, we thought it was a perfect occasion for our passion.
In this video you can see me splashing around in some muddy puddles with my pair of black leather boots from the brand Minelli. I have had them for years so I care even less in what I walk (not that I do care a lot ^^). At the end of the video you can see me crossing the local stream as well :)
Playtime: 03:11 Min  Size: 50.9 MB  Frame: 720 x 1280  Filetype: mp4

Highheeledleatherbootsinmuddywater ajouté: 12/12/2024


High heeled leather boots in muddy water

This is an old video from the time I still had my pair of Minelli boots :) Those boots have a nice 9 mm heel, and in this video you can see playing in the mud with them.

We were doing some tourism in a famous place and I wanted to check how soft was the mud. I was wearing my pair of high heel leather boots so I was quite confident those boots would keep me dry in this adventure. As I walk in the mud I started to get stuck quite a few time and I almost fall over.

At the end of the video you can see me washing my boots whilst being seated on a little bridge above some water :)
Playtime: 05:35 Min  Size: 566.5 MB  Frame: 1080 x 1920  Filetype: mp4

Louboutininthestreamlight2 ajouté: 12/12/2024


Julie Booted Adventures - Louboutin boots in the river

It was a cold winted day and with my husband we decided to go for a walk to place where there is a path that follow a river. For the occasion I was wearing some fashion thights and a pair of Louboutin black leather boots ! Those boots are my most expensive pair of boots I own, They are top top quality, leather outside and inside.
With their rough sole, I was condident they would be perfect if the walk was a bit wet and muddy.
As soon as we arrived the river bed was tempting me so I started walking around in the running water. My boots are protecting me from getting wet and cold feet.
During this walk I try several location and you can hear me commenting how waterproof those boots are :)
Playtime: 08:16 Min  Size: 1095.7 MB  Frame: 1080 x 1920  Filetype: mp4

GAridingbootsbordeauxgloveswet ajouté: 20/10/2024


In an elegant autumn outfit including my bordeaux long leather gloves and a pair of Giorgio Armani
leather rinding boots I check out some deeper parts of the river giving my boots a proper test.
The water is cold, but with my long leather gloves I can easily pick up some stones from the river.
At the end I show my socks and my used looking gloves that got a bit stained from the water.
Playtime: 07:30 Min  Size: 1347 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Giorgioarmaniridingbootsriverwalk ajouté: 20/10/2024


Wearing a long black coat and my Giorgio Armani leather riding boots I check out the strong
current of a small river. Then I decide to walk in the water upriver enjoying the autumn. After some
time I show my socks, then I put my boots back on and start to walk back crossing the river twice.
Playtime: 08:38 Min  Size: 1395.2 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Pantanettileatherbootsintheriver ajouté: 20/10/2024


On a rainy day I am wearing my plateau high heel leather boots from Pantanetti with some
kind of vintage used look. They should be perfect for some rough terrain, but the rain starts
to stain the delicate leather. Maybe they are not the best choice for this kind of weather after all.
Time to find out by giving them a proper test in the river. At the end you can see my socks.
Playtime: 05:11 Min  Size: 1102 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Paristexasleatherbootsandgloveswet ajouté: 20/10/2024


My beige leather high heel boots survived their first walk on the rocky stones but the soles and
heels got scuffed. As they look already used and scratched, I wear them a second time.
But this time I go even deeper and walk around more using my sexy black leather gloves
to pick up some filty stones from the river. You can see my socks in the end.
Playtime: 06:16 Min  Size: 1334.4 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Pradaleatherridingbootsrivergloveswet ajouté: 20/09/2024


First I show you how I can cross a stream in leather riding boots without getting wet socks, then I continue
in deeper parts and finally use my long black leather gloves to pick up some stones from the riverbed.
My sexy long black leather gloves protect my hands from getting wet and cold and keep me dry.
At the end I remove my boots to show my socks - could my Prada leather riding boots also keep my feet dry?
Playtime: 04:57 Min  Size: 1052.2 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

annabellawetboots126 ajouté: 19/09/2024


These great quality boots are fully leather lined, feature one piece of leather, have a thick leather strip down the back seam, and solid soles, so of course I wanted to give them a waterproof test. I test them in the brook for 7-8 minutes, often in deep water, almost to the tops of my boots, and afterwards I show my socks. Can they keep my feet dry? Afterwards my boots are muddy from standing on them, so I put them back on again and go back into the brook to wash them off, using my leather gloves.
Playtime: 12:11 Min  Size: 729.3 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

annabellawetboots127 ajouté: 19/09/2024


These great quality boots are fully leather lined, feature one piece of leather, and are super sexy! The leather is also very soft so I was a little bit worried I might ruin them, but that didn't stop me from giving them a good waterproof test. I test them in the brook for 7-8 minutes, often in deep water, almost flooding my boots at one point! And afterwards I show my socks. Can they keep my feet dry? Afterwards my boots are muddy from standing on them, so I put them back on again and go back into the brook to wash them off, using my leather gloves.
Playtime: 10:49 Min  Size: 648.2 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

annabellawetboots128 ajouté: 19/09/2024


These super sexy boots kept my feet dry last time I tested them, so this time I wanted to give them a longer test in deeper water. We were interrupted half way though this video by a curious family walking by and we had to lay low for a couple minutes..lol, but we kept the camcorder running and the boots ended up getting a 10 minute test. 2 minutes in shallow water, but often in deep water, and afterwards I show my socks. Can they keep my feet dry? Afterwards my boots are muddy from standing on them, and I wanted to see if my boots were tall enough to cross the brook without flooding them. but the brook had some deep spots, my heels got stuck in the mud and my boots got fully flooded! You can see taking them off, and emptying them out at the end! ;o)
Playtime: 15:29 Min  Size: 927.9 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Paristexasbeigeleatherbootswet ajouté: 09/09/2024


Beige Paris Texas high heel leather boots on a rainy day in a rocky river - can this work out?
Those are really delicate boots and chances are high they get badly ruined, but
nevertheless I test them. Of course they change color, the soles and heels get badly scratched
but what about my feet? Can they keep them dry? At the end I remove my boots and show my socks.
Playtime: 06:19 Min  Size: 1350 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Fakehermesridingbootsriver ajouté: 07/09/2024


While having a walk in the forrest, I decide to test my well worn fake Hermes leather riding boots in
a small stream. See for yourself if these cheap fake riding boots managed to keep my socks dry.
Playtime: 07:10 Min  Size: 1267.4 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Lesillaleatherbootsjeansgloveswinter ajouté: 29/08/2024


Its a cold winter day with snow and ice around. With water cold as ice, you need a good pair of
leather boots to dont end up with wet and freezing feet. My choice is a pair of rugged Le Silla boots,
of course I walk in really deep spots almost flooding my boots to give them a proper test. Did they pass
the test? At the end you can see my socks.
Playtime: 06:20 Min  Size: 1345 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Paroshsuedeleatherbootslargeriver ajouté: 29/08/2024


A beautiful large river, no one around and I am wearing my knee high suede cowgirl boots.
I am aware my suede boots are not the first choice when it comes to waterresistant boots
but no matter what, I try to make it to the other side and back. At the end I remove my boots
and you can see my feet when I change my socks and switch to a different pair of cowgirl boots.
Playtime: 08:12 Min  Size: 1395.5 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Gianvitorossicoldriverdeep ajouté: 27/08/2024


While taking a walk I found this small river, a great spot to really test my leather overknee boots in deep water.
You can see my socks in the end.
Playtime: 06:07 Min  Size: 1300 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4

Ralphlaurenhighheelbootspuddlesriver ajouté: 27/08/2024


On a wet and muddy day I go for a walk with my new Ralph Lauren leather high heels boots
with shiny pants and fitting black leather gloves. I have to cross muddy puddles and a small
extremely slippery stream. You can see my socks in the end.
Playtime: 06:51 Min  Size: 1456.6 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4