Riding Ladies

Pony and Horseback Riding

Riding Ladies

Beautiful Girls riding ponies and horses - a class of its own. Download the movie clips here.
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Daywalker_2 added: 2023/06/29


Daywalker Part 2 (of 2)
No question: the red color of Delilah's capuchin is gleaming lovely in the sunshine. Little problem is the growing up midday heat, so Delilah more and more is playing with dress-off. And after testing the hood it's enough. Delilah let fly away the coat and finishes the ride in shirt...
(with coat ca. 9 min., without coat ca. 7 min.)
Playtime: 16:47 Min  Size: 712 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Sneaking_Desire_2 added: 2023/06/22


Sneaking Desire Part 2 (of 2)
Gloria enjoys her riding on "Sea of Green" in "dry version", much more safe and unsinkable than deep blue sea. And contrary to the sea, pony at least sometimes is following her commands.
Playtime: 10:35 Min  Size: 449.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Angel_on_Vacation_1 added: 2023/06/15


Angel on Vacation Part 1 (of 2)
As we learned from Hollywood: Angels are everywhere! So why wonder to meet an angel riding on pony? Brigitte can always and everywhere pass as Elves Queen - or as angel. Only the pony knows the truth. Also angels are only human...
Playtime: 18:23 Min  Size: 780.5 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Natural_Authority added: 2023/06/08


Natural Authority
Tess is professional rider and if she likes to have a training hour on the sand place, there is no room for discussion about. And on sunny hot day there is also no need for correct dressing with jodhpurs and boots. Tess is conveying a kind of natural authority, making also bikini riding a thing of course.

Playtime: 19:24 Min  Size: 823.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Daywalker_1 added: 2023/06/01


Daywalker Part 1 (of 2)
That fancy red capuchin is practically more a matter of dark and cold night. But Delilah prefers to ride daylight and seeing where the horse is running. Also picture shootings in dark night do not really generate satisfying results. So what the heck! Let's do it daylight and by bright sunshine!
Playtime: 16:38 Min  Size: 705.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Sneaking_Desire_1 added: 2023/05/25


Sneaking Desire Part 1 (of 2)
The wind in our hair and the sun in our eyes... Gloria loves to enjoy this feeling also far away from beach or sea. Riding on pony is a qualified substitution for riding the waves and, contrary to waves, pony allows at least illusion of being in control...
Playtime: 10:34 Min  Size: 448.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Beach_me added: 2023/05/04


Beach me!
You're never alone at Mallorca Beach! When Brooke rides out another day, she meets Hannah on her horse. There is a natural affinity between horse girls, so they immediately start together pushing up the sand and chasing some wave...
Playtime: 16:14 Min  Size: 757.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Hauling added: 2023/04/27


Tha Hauling
Jessica is forging serious plans for trail riding this summer. So it's high time the check the pony how to get along with loading all the needful equipments and on top - of course - Jessica, sitting in the middle. The little waterhole place should be enough for test drive...
Playtime: 16:29 Min  Size: 804 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Dont_be_afraid added: 2023/04/20


Don't be afraid - Delilah's here to aid!
Damn' shoes! After enough nerving complaints about unsecure feeling of riding barefoot, Delilah gives in and puts the shoes to Anjelica's feet. But the lesson remains to be difficult. Finally it's quite sure that Anjelica better may start a career as shoe model - than as amazone!
Playtime: 14:18 Min  Size: 667.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Bumpy_Starts added: 2023/04/13


Bumpy Starts
Sonja shows, how easy things COULD run with her pony, which is ready to behave the whole range between patient and wild, fitting to rider's talent - and courage. Marjorie is no rookie, she has both, pony is just new and little unfamiliar to her, so the lesson starts some bumpy. But when pony learned that Marjorie is not to blow away by his funny rising up performances, he's accepting the young rider...
Playtime: 20:55 Min  Size: 1019.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Teachers_Teen added: 2023/04/06


Teacher's Teen
Delilah is on the way home to stable, where a special job is waiting. After Anjelica's first horse contact was quite short and more disillusioning than anything else, she wants to try once more - and asked Delilah for a private lesson on sand place at stable. Her shoes may be high fancy, but not really qualified for riding, finally she agrees to Delilah to take off the shoes and continue barefoot...
Playtime: 14:09 Min  Size: 660.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Horse_Surfers added: 2023/03/30


Horse Surfers
Doris likes riding the beach in the morning, when there are not SO much people walking around. But another girl had the same idea, so their paths cross unavoidable. Brooke is not of same experience as Doris, but love loves riding too and knows to bear horse. So they finally "come together". And when sun grows up, Doris changes also to lighter outfit for common surfing their horses through the cooling waves...
Playtime: 22:19 Min  Size: 1087.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Below_Zero_3 added: 2023/03/09


Sonja - Below Zero (Part 3 of 3)
All her fans know: It wouldn't be Sonja without a crazy finish: After that good warm-up, it's almost inevitable to perform the last rounds in bikini top..., fuck the cold!
Playtime: 12:44 Min  Size: 513 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Below_Zero_2 added: 2023/03/02


Sonja - Below Zero (Part 2 of 3)
It's simply fact that not only Sonja enjoys the winter ride. Also her pony likes to use the welcome break from the boring winter break. So they both do their best to drive each other nuts...
Playtime: 13:11 Min  Size: 531 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Pony_wore_Black_2 added: 2023/02/23


Pony wore Black (Part 2 of 2)
Jade gets more and more safe on pony's bare back. It's a matter of friendship, but each ship can only have one captain and, after all, Jade decides where to go... Finally Jade is totally happy..., maybe they will meet again for more?
Playtime: 12:42 Min  Size: 565.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

At_Eye_Level added: 2023/02/16


At Eye Level
Fans know Nathalie as an enthusiastic rider. Usually she's riding saddle, but some quiet days she takes the saddle down and adds a few extra rounds on pony's bare back. Without secure hold in the saddle, she has to slow down a bit, but this kind of riding has its very own fascination...
Playtime: 16:38 Min  Size: 740.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Lively_Sunshine added: 2023/02/09


Lively Sunshine
After Corinne has raved to her friend long enough about how great riding is, Ramona comes for a first lesson in pony riding. Corinne starts cautiously, but Ramona quickly learns to adjust to the movements of the pony. From there, it's just a short step from class to fun.
Playtime: 16:43 Min  Size: 744.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Below_Zero_1 added: 2023/02/02


Sonja - Below Zero (Part 1 of 3)
Who says that riding has to be just a summer fun? Sonja never believes such wisdoms without trying it herself. It's a long way until next summer, so "Come on, pony, let's do it!" Okay, there is laying some snow and it's cold, but Sonja and her pony know how to generate heat...
Playtime: 13:08 Min  Size: 557.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Good_at_Sports added: 2023/01/27


Good at Sports
Fitness does not come by itself and has its price. In addition to healthy nutrition, delilah also invests a lot of sport in her athletic body. Sport can be no fun if you have to do everything alone. But therefore Delilah has her brave partner horse, to whom she can "outsource" a good part of simple muscle work...
Playtime: 13:21 Min  Size: 593.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Pony_wore_Black_1 added: 2023/01/24


Pony wore Black (Part 1 of 2)
After a short crash course, Jade feels ready to realize her long-cherishes wish of riding a pony bareback. At first it feels to be a some slippery affair, but Jade is a strong and sportive women, also not afraid of "big animals"
Playtime: 12:49 Min  Size: 570.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4