Riding Ladies

Pony and Horseback Riding

Riding Ladies

Beautiful Girls riding ponies and horses - a class of its own. Download the movie clips here.
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Stop_at_Red added: 2021/11/06


Stop at Red
The wind in my hairs the sun in my eyes..., a light dress breezing in the wind, and all that barefoot riding on a spirited pony. Maybe remaining a dream for many girls, but not for Corinne...
Playtime: 17:29 Min  Size: 815.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Offroad_Babe added: 2021/10/14


Offroad Babe
Fun and adventure are best found off the main roads. So Delilah spontaneous saddles up her pony, packed up with some picnic equipment, for a little joyride at countryside. Okay, pony has primary to do the working part, while Delilah gets the fun, but that's the deal: "Shut up and go!"
After a sequence of comfortable riding on country path (ca. 9 min.), Delilah is watering the horse, but then little disagreements about how to continue seems to come up...
Playtime: 17:02 Min  Size: 830.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Sins_of_Youth added: 2021/09/11


Sins of Youth
This video shows an event out of Sonja's "early years", the sun was hot and the outfit airy, the pony was imprudent and rebellious, far from insight that it's less advisable to upset Sonja. We are glad that Sonja now released this high action video to delight all her fans...
Playtime: 18:31 Min  Size: 902.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Caprioles_1 added: 2021/08/13


Caprioles! Part 1 (of 3)
Keep your horse always busy! Following to this advice Manuela starts her little working session at the far side of riding stable, different levels of speed, stop and go, forward and backward... Practice makes perfect!
Playtime: 12:41 Min  Size: 618.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Caprioles_2 added: 2021/08/13


Caprioles! Part 2 (of 3)
Demanding work with pony contains always double value: fun for Manuela - and leaving no time to pony for brewing stupid ideas...
Playtime: 12:48 Min  Size: 623.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Hill_Farmers_Pleasure_1 added: 2021/07/23


Fill Farmer's Pleasure Part 1 (of 2)
Hill farming may be not every day a funny job. But Tamara knows how to compensate. By riding her horse up and down, the humpy meadows can bring much fun, all time more than walking...
Playtime: 14:53 Min  Size: 693.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Hill_Farmers_Pleasure_2 added: 2021/07/23


Hill Farmer's Pleasure Part 2 (of 2)
Some people say: "Better riding bad than walking well"... But Tamara does not feel addressed by such dumb phrase. Bad riding does not exist for her, ANY riding is good, especially up and down on humpy meadows...
Playtime: 15:09 Min  Size: 770.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Carnival_is_over added: 2021/06/13


The Carnival is over
Life is so easy by running free, horsing around without any work and duty. But serious side of life is already lurking around the corner. Suddenly you're snapped by woman, get bridled and saddled, ready for meeting with horse's real life...
Sonja is back with a first little working session of her new pony. Clip content: 4 minutes of pony on sand place, preparing, saddling, 14 minutes riding in nature.
Playtime: 18:04 Min  Size: 919.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Parade_at_Surrogate_Beach_1.movie added: 2021/05/06


Parade at Surrogate Beach Part 1 (of 2)
Some days are simply not sunny enough to ride out to the beach. Such days its luck to have some "surrogate beach", like Delilah's open-air sandlot. So Raffaela also likes to have a ride there. The horse is well "preheated" by Delilah, so there may happen no trouble in paradise.
Playtime: 16:10 Min  Size: 753.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Parade_at_Surrogate_Beach_2.movie added: 2021/05/06


Parade at Surrogate Beach Part 2 (of 2)
Raffaela still riding her replacement beach. After hard raining at day before, even a little pond came up in a corner of the place, so it sounds, feels and smells like the original. Anyhow, Raffaela enjoys the full beach fun, without leaving the castle.
Playtime: 16:25 Min  Size: 765.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Made_for_each_other_1 added: 2021/04/23


Made for each other (Part 1 of 2)
Naty is skilled rider, no fear of big animals, but also not of "lowered models". If she gets chance to ride a pony she's never missing. Naty is women, no child, she may be appear a little bit unfamiliar to the little rascal, but don't be deceived: pony is tough guy...
Playtime: 12:17 Min  Size: 551.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Made_for_each_other_2 added: 2021/04/23


Made for each other (Part 2 of 2)
A Pony may be steady, but Naty is patient. She enjoys riding along the green meadow, directing her little horse by safe hand. She does not demand racing, but a little bit faster step..., should be possible...
Playtime: 11:52 Min  Size: 533.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

No_Country_for_old_Mares added: 2021/03/26


No Country for old Mares
Delilah working on a proving ground, where new horses get tested, how far they may be suitable for getting rented to tourist ride outs. As an experienced rider Delilah knows very well the right balance between demand and support to lease out a horse's character...
Playtime: 18:41 Min  Size: 996.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Works_after_no_Breakfast_1 added: 2020/05/29


Works after no Breakfast Part 1 (of 2)
After their warm up rounds, as replacement for breakfast, Delilah and Brooke change directly to day's work, riding on green meadow, single and together, visiting the palms and whatever. And they all have fun, the girls perhaps jut little bit more...
Playtime: 19:15 Min  Size: 865.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

Works_after_no_Breakfast_2 added: 2020/05/29


Works after no Breakfast Part 2 (of 2)
Delilah and Brooke still enjoying their ride with trotting, galloping and female talking. Bit by bit the "breakfastless" morning is fading away and runs more and more danger to change over into a "lunchless" midday...
Playtime: 19:10 Min  Size: 860.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

Sandbox_Workshop_2 added: 2020/04/02


Sandbox Workshop Part 2 (of 2)
Outside, over land, cross country - or just in sandbox, an hour is an hour of riding, getting over the miles, with Delilah on the saddle, under her command. This kind of training if of course not recognized to be really "work", and Delilah is also not riding "by the clock". She just stops when she realizes, that next rider is already waiting for horse...
Playtime: 16:16 Min  Size: 827.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Sandbox_Workshop_1 added: 2020/03/08


Sandbox Workshop Part 1 (of 2)
New software or other products usually get tested extensively in a virtual reality called sandbox. Why should this method not being adaptable for developing horse? So if bad things may occur, bugs appearing, it cannot not happen somewhere in the country, far from home. But never mind! If Delilah is riding a horse, there do not happen "things", at least not to her...
Playtime: 15:39 Min  Size: 796.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Leave_with_Pay added: 2020/02/13


Leave with Pay
There are calm private riding stables, far from anyway, where women can also enjoy bikini riding, for moderate fee, without being watched by bummy gawkers (excluded RidingLadies camera team of course :)
Playtime: 16:48 Min  Size: 713.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Next_Stop_2 added: 2020/02/06


Next Stop Frying Pan Part 2 (of 2)
Rafaella is not the "lite type" of rider, which may additional help to keep horse on the ground. Indeed the combination seems to work unexpected good, so Raffaella gets the more fun the longer she's riding. And - sideline - also her video will be not less entertaining than "big sister" Delilah's part...
Playtime: 14:22 Min  Size: 694 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Nothing_to_speak_of added: 2020/01/30


Nothing to speak of
A last change of dress - for the final "ironpony" challenge: short trip to the water, galloping until returning home.

Playtime: 08:13 Min  Size: 362.3 MB  Frame: 1920 x 1080  Filetype: mp4