Julie Booted Adventures - Louboutin boots in the river
It was a cold winted day and with my husband we decided to go for a walk to place where there is a path that follow a river. For the occasion I was wearing some fashion thights and a pair of Louboutin black leather boots ! Those boots are my most expensive pair of boots I own, They are top top quality, leather outside and inside.
With their rough sole, I was condident they would be perfect if the walk was a bit wet and muddy.
As soon as we arrived the river bed was tempting me so I started walking around in the running water. My boots are protecting me from getting wet and cold feet.
During this walk I try several location and you can hear me commenting how waterproof those boots are :)
Playtime: 08:16 Min Size: 1095.7 MB Frame: 1080 x 1920 Filetype: mp4