Riding Ladies

Pony and Horseback Riding

Riding Ladies

Beautiful Girls riding ponies and horses - a class of its own. Download the movie clips here.
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Never_ride_alone_2 added: 2022/11/24


Never ride alone (Part 2 of 2)
Kerstin and her horse still at work to get acquainted. Learning by doing, Kerstin gets more and more feeling how to use reins, legs and whip - if necessary. Pony learns the essential lesson, that in case of doubt Kerstin is the boss.
Playtime: 10:02 Min  Size: 425.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Unsinkable_2 added: 2022/11/17


Unsinkable (Part 2 of 2)
Summer heat is still burning, so Delilah dresses off her shirt and makes ultimately sure to be the main attraction on this afternoon at the pond...
Playtime: 10:38 Min  Size: 495.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Hoof_and_Sand added: 2022/11/10


Hoof and Sand
Dolores and Hannah live at paradise of Mallorca island. This includes also horse riding at the beach, whenever they like. Fine sand below, fresh ocean breeze above..., of course they like frequently.

Playtime: 15:16 Min  Size: 647.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Unsinkable_1 added: 2022/11/03


Unsinkable (Part 1 of 2)
It's a hot summer day, so Delilah decides spontaneous to extend her ride to the close pond for some little refreshment. Arriving at the water she's spotting that she did not have this idea by herself. But riding a big strong horse, she's of course the "major fish in the pond" and people as dogs make respectfully way for her...
Playtime: 11:27 Min  Size: 534.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Emergency added: 2022/10/27


Emergency (Is there a doctor on the horse?)
Yes, it is! Little Miss Doctor loves to enjoy some ride at lunch break. So it is pure luck for the poor man laying broke down in the meadow. Of course she stops her ride at once for first aid. Fortunately it may have been only a little faintness in the summer heat. So she can help him up again easily - and return to pony...
Playtime: 09:19 Min  Size: 395.5 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Never_ride_alone_1 added: 2022/10/22


Never ride alone (Part 1 of 2)
When horse and girl are new to each other, they need some time to get familiar. But of course it's unavoidable that Kerstin is mounting and taking seat on the saddle, so let's pass that point better earlier than later!
Playtime: 10:13 Min  Size: 431.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Sweets_and_Biscuits added: 2022/06/17


Sweets and Biscuits
Not a few would call our pony "lucky bastard", for winning such luxurious awesome type of woman on his back, like a come alive "sweets and biscuits"...
Playtime: 13:24 Min  Size: 653.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Grazing_Grounds added: 2022/06/10


Grazing Grounds
In case of restive and stubborn horse in the stable, it's a job for Naty. You cannot say, that she's riding hard, but it's known that an afternoon of being ridden by her, usually brings back a horse back to track...
Playtime: 13:45 Min  Size: 669.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Mission_possible added: 2022/05/27


Mission possible
Raffaella loves riding pony, being not high experienced rider is no hindrance. And if Delilah even did exorcize the "little devil" out of the pony before, there will be all fine...
Playtime: 14:12 Min  Size: 692.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Love_at_the_first_Sight added: 2022/05/20


Love at the first Sight
Nathalie loves horses and is also skilled rider, so it usually needs not long time to get familiar with a new pony. Perhaps helpful remark: using spurs is no proof for not loving the pony...
Playtime: 16:21 Min  Size: 797.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Where_I_am_is_the_Summer added: 2022/05/15


Where I am, IS the Summer!
Summertime, and the riding is easy..., pony's jumping and the rank weed is high...
Anymore questions?
Simple truth: Where Sonja is, there is the middle of summer!
Playtime: 17:18 Min  Size: 843.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Hey_little_Devil_2 added: 2022/03/17


Hey, little Devil! (Part 2 of 2)
Delilah and her new black pony still at work with their first mutual learning process. The one learns, that bucking and "monkey business" cannot really impress a good rider, the other learns, that some little devil is easy to expel and even transformed to a good pony.
Playtime: 10:50 Min  Size: 505.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Around_the_Corner added: 2022/03/10


Around the Corner
Adriana and Raffaella meet for an afternoon riding out on their blond Haflingers. Both girls have much fun, but Raffaella soon feels a little bit envious by watching Adriana almost "flying" over the meadows. Okay, Adriana's horse got the higher temperament and has also to carry the lower weight, but there may be another reason...
Playtime: 18:44 Min  Size: 834.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Everything_you_can_do added: 2022/03/03


Everything you can do - I can do better!
Brooke and Tamara both love pony riding. But while Brooke is a casual and more careful rider, is Tamara practicing a more demanding style. And she cannot resist showing to proof, how a skilled rider can string up even such a lazy pony for getting real riding fun...
Playtime: 13:40 Min  Size: 637.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Hey_little_Devil_1 added: 2022/02/26


Hey, little Devil! (Part 1 of 2)
New horse - new luck? Delilah starts the session unprejudiced, and learns soon, that there may live two souls in this gently and handy appearing pony! But also the pony will learn, that Delilah can be much more than a nice girl...
Playtime: 10:40 Min  Size: 497.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Mallorca_Fever added: 2021/12/30


Mallorca Fever
When "Hurricane Delilah" is entering the beach, calmness is suddenly over! She's driving her big horse in gallop up and down and orbiting around. And although there is already a fresh breeze blowing in the upcoming evenfall, Delilah gets the heat and has even to pull off jacket and shirt..., while Dolores and her horse can do nothing but wonder...
Playtime: 07:59 Min  Size: 355.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Support_your_Local_Horse added: 2021/12/26


Support your Local Horse
When women like to get some ride, of course they always prefer to give the job to local horse, at familiar and "confidential" stable. Today Tess is starting with a good bareback session (ca. 14 min). Tess is very experiences rider, also bareback galloping is an easy job for her. And when she meets that little obstacle laying around in the middle of place, of course she moves her horse over that. Doris will be the next, she prefers riding saddled, and Tess give her girlfriend a hand to prepare...
Playtime: 18:36 Min  Size: 828.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

If_it_would_be_2 added: 2021/12/15


if it would be THAT easy, ANYONE could do... (Part 2 of 2)
Finally we are ready for water! Delilah first has some ride with saddled horse along the shore including first water contact (ca. 7 min.). Then she changes to bareback, ready also for deeper waters. Very easy the horse finds a fancy in dabbling through the water, but Delilah also learns that horse is harder to drive as water gets deeper (ca. 10 min.) For the final minutes Delilah remembers special part of work and is training how to present high heels by riding horse...
Playtime: 20:38 Min  Size: 1049.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

If_it_would_be_1 added: 2021/11/26


If it would be THAT easy, ANYONE could do... (Part 1 of 2)
The title is already description of content: shooting on horse..., many models would like to do, but even for a skilled rider like Delilah, and on her familiar own horse, the presumed easy job is mutating up to arduous work. You are never alone at the small scenic pond, and also a horse always has a mind of his own...
Playtime: 13:50 Min  Size: 703.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4

Caprioles_3 added: 2021/11/18


Caprioles! Part 3 (of 3)
Manuela is experienced rider, but always likes to take some further tips from riding teacher Tess.
But then let's go on, a riding hour is popping down very fast, and a next rider is still waiting for the pony...
Playtime: 12:38 Min  Size: 589.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 724  Filetype: mp4