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donkeyridinginfield added: 2018/03/18


All girls LOVE riding on donkey and want ride too but Artemisia is very strong, tall, heavy woman who refuse to come down on donkey's back even donkey is tired. She don't care, only for her own pleasure. Other girls wants ride too so I ordered her come down and let other girls enjoy about donkey riding too.

Playtime: 19:14 Min  Size: 434.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: MP4

SP_Donkey_go_round added: 2018/02/22


After all, it was fun, the women return to the donkey ranch, together with a girlfriend. For Doris it's the first time on a donkey, and even Cathy is far from an experienced rider, so it's okay for both, that they go for the first just to the "carousel" with their donkeys
Okay, the riding there looks a little like the donkeys are pumping there some water out of the well - or operating a big anchor winch... but finally it was a nice event and the women leave happy...
Playtime: 13:32 Min  Size: 598.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Weight_Alert added: 2018/02/15


Weight Alert!
Cathy and Kensa are no "Floozies" - in the meaning of lightweights - but donkeys are very strong, so the two women usually have no problem riding. But then the surprising disappointment: Kensa would now supposedly too heavy for the donkey. All discussion does not help, so only Cathy and Martina start riding and Kensa is only guiding.
Playtime: 16:33 Min  Size: 733.6 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Obey_me added: 2018/02/01


Obey me!
In this last view we were allowed to have on the Amazons in their School for Donkeys, we met the rare event, just when Adriana and Ariadne start to teach a young new donkey the "meaning of life". Donkey may be not amused, for him it is the first time, but not for the women, and they know how to handle...
Playtime: 16:12 Min  Size: 366.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Donkey_or_Pony added: 2018/01/11


Donkey or Pony
Even on holiday, the girls of course party every night. But what do you do with the boring afternoon? Was not there a donkey in the garden where they could maybe ride a bit?
Both girls are good riders on horseback, but they quickly realize that riding on a stubborn donkey is more difficult than expected, especially without saddle, bridle and whip.
Finally they spontaneous grab that standing around curious pony for replacing donkey. Will this be more comfortable to ride?
Playtime: 21:06 Min  Size: 477.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Joy_for_Donkeygirls added: 2017/09/28


Joy for DonkeyGirls
Discerning only in details, the girls have one thing in common: they enjoy riding on their donkey. Olga and Maia love double ride, Kirki is whipping hard and she doesn't mind if the hit goes to Olga's or donkey's ass to make him moving, Artemisia wants to ride every minute she can grab. This clip contains also a "behind the scene" part, showing the girls private in a filming break...
Playtime: 13:28 Min  Size: 304.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Donkey_Dancing added: 2017/08/31


Donkey Dancing
Kirki's donkey is of a very slacker breed, low interest in walking and brave carrying the women on his back. But maybe he has underestimated his ladies, they are tireless by figuring out new variations to get fun with their donkey...
While trying something like "neck riding" they find that it's high funny just to sit on donkey and perform rhythmic motions like..., and so the "donkey dancing" was born...
Playtime: 15:25 Min  Size: 348.8 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

Nasty_Bitch added: 2017/08/01


Never lend your donkey to a Nasty Bitch!
Ariadne has to learn this simple truth when she meets Rosa riding on her donkey, without carrot, just by stick. With united forces they pull down Rosa from donkey's back and drag her away. Then Ariadne mounts her donkey for riding home...
Playtime: 05:49 Min  Size: 258.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

Old_Trick_Clip added: 2017/07/06


Old Trick
During break, before we started do make another movie, especially Olena loved to sit on donkey, and I'm afraid I made her unhappy when I had to ask her to come down. Just watch her when she dismounted and I denied her riding.
For next donkey movie the girls had the idea to try the "old trick" with the carrot on a string!
Watch by yourself how they succeeded with that...
Playtime: 18:13 Min  Size: 411.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: MP4

Mount_on_Donkey_Clip added: 2017/06/01


Mount on Donkey
Girls find fun by mounting on donkey - again and again. Kirki, kick boxer and domina, is demonstrating and that way teaches them how to mount on donkey, and soon riding starts again...
Playtime: 16:00 Min  Size: 357.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: MP4

We_ride_on_your_back_Clip added: 2017/05/07


We ride on your back
The girls had learned quickly how to come up on donkey - and now they also want really to ride, of course. Just little problem that "instructor" Kirki also loves to ride - and after all it's HER donkey. So she always finds reasons for staying on donkey by herself. And when Eya is demanding vigorously to ride, Kirki offers compromise to ride together...
Playtime: 25:38 Min  Size: 580.1 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: MP4

SP_We_got_a_Donkey added: 2017/04/03


Eya loves riding on donkey, but things don't really go on, so Kirki and Maya are very welcome to join the party. First it's all sugar, Kirki is leading the donkey with Eya on, but very soon the girls are asking for more, want to ride by themselves. And after Maya got some ride, finally also Kirki is mounting (of course). Donkey is still unimpressed, Kirki needs to use the stick for explaining her will. Curiously things are progressing only when Maya and Kirki mount together...

I wrote this text according what happened
Playtime: 29:04 Min  Size: 440.4 MB  Frame: 720 x 400  Filetype: mp4

SP_Once_upon_a_Donkey added: 2017/01/26


Once upon a Donkey
Olena wants to learn riding on donkey..., heaven knows why, she's far from being a natural talent. For that she's visiting special teacher Kirki, known as an expert also for "hard cases". At first they first exercise how to mount donkey. Sounds simple? Not for big girl! After Olena was walking first unfamiliar steps on leashed donkey, Kirki tries to give her A-student Maia as attendant rider...

Playtime: 11:52 Min  Size: 525.9 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Double_Whammy added: 2016/12/02


Double Whammy
Artemisia loves riding on donkey, but she don't manage to make lazy donkey move. Sitting astride on donkey in minidress is fun but she also wants to ride. She uses crop very tenderly, so teacher Kirki finally cannot watch any longer, so she mounts behind Artemisia, showing how to move donkey...
Playtime: 10:58 Min  Size: 487 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_How_to_win_Donkey added: 2016/10/03


How to win a Donkey
The girls are in the mood for gaming "hide and seek". But what about the winner's prize? When Ariadne finds an unsuspecting donkey staying around the corner, she declares it out of hand as the "winner's prize"..., and the winner is Xena, so she starts "riding her prize". But you know, girls are always solidary and real girl friends share all...
Original Sound - and NO subtitles in this clip!
Playtime: 16:01 Min  Size: 709.7 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Black_Widows_Donkey added: 2016/08/12


Black Widows Donkey
Today the "Black Widows Club" loves to perform "Greek Tragedy", but please be assured that the girls always find way to cast donkey and have some good ride on!
So it's no surprise when a deceased man's only inheritance to his poor widow and daughter is - of all things - a donkey. But while mother and daughter are on to dispel all sorrow by riding on inherited donkey, appears a strange mystic masked woman, raising a claim on the donkey... and finally even on the daughter.
Oh boy..., plenty of plot for just 17 minutes, and sure one of the most unusual donkey movies ever seen!
Playtime: 16:57 Min  Size: 752.3 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_No_Double_Riding added: 2016/06/02


No Double Riding
Louisa loves to ride out her beloved donkey. One fine day she's stopped by a blonde girl. After some small talk and guiding her for a while, that girl Cat asks for mounting behind. Louisa doesn't mind, just donkey seems to be not amused. Because of already knowing Louisa's weight, and seeing that also Cat is not a "floosie", he's facing some wearing trip. But of course the girls finally get their will. Donkey was so glad to get rid of both girls, but after also Louisa finally leaved, he meets that Cat again...
Playtime: 15:44 Min  Size: 688.2 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Escaped_Donkey added: 2016/04/29


Escaped Donkey
After having some fun by riding on their donkey Ariadne and Rosa get little tired in the midday heat, so they settle down under a shady tree for a little snooze. But when they awake, the roped donkey seems to escaped. But what really happened? Three rogue girls simply took advance of situation and unchained donkey - not to free him but getting their own riding fun! And when Ariadne and Rosa meet them at searching for lost donkey, the rotten girls even send them to wrong direction - for extending their own game.
Playtime: 17:36 Min  Size: 778.4 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Donkey_Riding_School added: 2016/03/21


Donkey Riding SchoolHere you can see how it all starts: Ariadne rents donkey and invited her girl friends for a ride - or also for a first free lesson. Louisa, Gabriele and Rosa are already old hand donkey riders, but of course they like to accept such an invitation! Only for Xena it was the first time on donkey this day, so after all other girls have had their fun, Ariadne invites Xena to a little double ride with her. Does not go very long, but it's all okay...
Playtime: 17:32 Min  Size: 771 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: mp4

SP_Sexiest_Donkey_Riders added: 2016/02/18


Sexiest Donkey RidersThis is the old question: WHO is the best, greatest, cutest, sexiest...? Now the girls start to clear - once and for all. But finally what have been results of all contest: Ariadne (5 min) is the most majestic, Gabriela (4 min) the most sovereign, Louisa (5 min) the most airy dressed, Xena (6 min) the cutest and Rosa (3 min) the biggest. So now WHO has to get the price? Not to forget the brave donkey: HE is the STRONGEST! PLEASE VOTE which one of the girls are the sexiest and one of You get prizeWe let winner know which one win
Playtime: 23:21 Min  Size: 521.5 MB  Frame: 1280 x 720  Filetype: MP4